About Us

Welcome to neatmaps.co, my shop for beautifully designed, personalized posters! I'm Philipp, a software developer from southern Germany with a passion for posters and maps.

In my professional career I have worked a lot with digital maps, designing them for clients and creating custom maps with detailed data and geolayers. I find it fascinating how millions of buildings, roads and waterways can be represented through data and still evoke deep emotions and memories. This could be the house or street you grew up on, the park where you met your soulmate or the hospital where your first child was born. The connection between data and emotion is truly extraordinary and that is why I strive to create stunning map art that speaks to you.

Our posters are designed by us in Stuttgart and printed right next door in Backnang to keep our delivery routes short. With your purchase you are supporting a small 2-person side business :)

Our shop offers a wide range of card artwork, but we are always happy to create something unique and special for you. If you have a custom request or need help, please feel free to send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.